Trends, News & Interesting Reads

Browse here the best, most interesting articles about hot gaming news, global trends and up-to-date, interesting reads that will give you food for thought. Make Grande Vegas your source of latest stories and headlines in global online gaming and beyond.

diagram of STEM subjects

The perception of video gamers as zombies who waste their time moving characters and objects around with a joystick, a computer mouse and finger swipes is widespread. Gaming is believed by many to be a time-waster that is an activity for the brain-dead with too much time on their hands.

neon gaming console

There are a lot of new and exciting changes expected in the video and Grande Vegas online casino gaming world in 2023. Metaverse games, expanded integration of VR and AR elements, more esports opportunities and other innovations will keep gamers on their toes.

woman on a laptop cheering her win on Grande Vegas Casino

Playing games as a profession is nothing new. Some professional gamers were less than honest – scammers who traveled from one European casino to the other, cheating at the roulette wheel and at cards to get money. In the Wild West there were many professional poker players who used their skills to collect winnings in one town or outpost after another.

kids in classroom playing a game

Teaching through the use of games is nothing new but new edtech tools and techniques make the gamification of education a major focus of the classroom. Gamifying education, as opposed to supplementing traditional educational techniques with games, is slowly gaining attention in the educational community and is gaining acceptance even within the traditional educational establishment.

welcome to Florida the Sunshine State

The November elections gave Florida Governor Ron Santis a huge re-election victory, confirming his constituents’ faith in his policies and vision. Betting website which compiles and aggregates live odds gives DeSantis a 26.8% probability of winning the presidency in 2024 – the probability for Trump is currently at 18.4%.

watching football game on a laptop screen and making a bet on a smartphone

Taking a break from our Grande Vegas online casino fun for a moment, let's look at the booming sportsbook realm.

In the four-and-a-half years since the United States Supreme Court gave the go-ahead for retail sports betting to operate legally in the United States, sportsbooks have spent billions on marketing.  Major league games are flooded with commercials, sports stars act as influencers to promote different sports betting platforms and luxury hotels splash information about sports betting opportunities around their lobbies.

Two gaming designers looking at the computer together working on a project.

Today’s gaming industry is divided into multiple sectors including video gaming, online casino gaming, gaming for business and education, AR and VR gaming, social media gaming and competitive gaming (esports).

an emblem reading Fantasy Sports including a variety of sports balls

As sports betting expands in the United States, concern is growing that regulators in a number of states aren’t enforcing laws regarding which operators are being allowed to operate sportsbooks and other Vegas casino online casino gambling activities.

Dealer stacks casino chips

In the summer of 2020, after several months of COVID-19 pandemic closings, Vegas casinos reopened and, amid limitations and restrictions. The casinos continue to rebuild to their pre-COVID records and while those numbers haven’t yet been reached, the business climate is strong in Sin City.

White and blue dice sitting on an American flag

Every two years, like clockwork, pundits debate whether the American public is going to leave Congress in the hands of the Republicans or the Democrats. Political analysts, observers, news commentators and others study the polls carefully as they attempt to predict the results of the semi-annual election event.

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